Together with our publisher Birkäuser, we are taking a look behind the socio-cultural, historical and political developments of the global planning and building cultures – and their impact on female positions in urban design and urban planning.
The publication also includes the portraits of the urbanistas featured in the exhibition and the discussions and viewpoints of the practitioners and researchers participating in the symposia.
With contributions by Kristin Feireiss, Kathrin Gaál, Kurt Hofstetter, Jane Hall, Manuelle Gautrand, Petra Unger, Mary Pepchinski, Angelika Fitz, Maik Novotny, Franziska Leeb, Eva Kail, Sabine Pollak, Marjetica Potrc, Gabu Heindl, Kathrin Aste, Sabina Riss, Baerbel Mueller, Ute Schneider and many others.
Release October 14th, 2021.
In cooperation with wiener wohnbau forschung.